Getting ready to move into the apartment tomorrow. So excited! I went and dropped off some of the smaller items after Colton went to sleep tonight and the Ferris Wheel that we can see from our balcony was all lit up and moving (surprisingly because it is thundering and lightening like crazy). It was a sight for sure.
Getting out of this one room hotel room was something I thought would never happen. It seemed the days were just slowly dragging together to the point that I thought today was Tuesday and filled out Colton's 6 month shot paperwork as if it was (no big deal, the women corrected me). Now that we are finally leaving it seems like we weren't in lodging for that long. Looking back I won't think about how terrible it was being in this 1 room ridiculousness, I will remember that here is where Colton had is first peas and carrots and also cut his first tooth!
Bon Voyage Westpac Lodging - we're movin' on up!
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