This was the first time we've put Colton on our backs and weren't sure how he would do. He thought it was a blast and giggled for the first 15 minutes, then abruptly fell asleep.
This was ok with us as he giggled to himself in the back seat almost the entire 90 minute drive to get there (this is when I planned on him napping). He's a man of mystery, though. Always keeping me on my toes. Either way - he slept the entire way to the falls - about a 40 minute hike. This is what he missed... (Luckily he got to see it on the way back).
A lot of stairs but also a lot of beautiful views. The entire time we lived in San Diego, Jason and I would go on hikes with Chump or bike rides and I would always say, "We need to find some woods, this is too hot." Jason would always tell me, "This is the desert - there aren't any woods here. We have hike(ride) in the desert." That was not my idea of fun. This is my idea of fun!
About half way through the hike there was a huge suspension bridge that crossed the huge canyon that falls ran through. It was quite the site to behold. The suspension bridge took a little getting used to at first. It moved a lot - even with just once person's gait.
We saw a really cool rock wall that had water dripping down it constantly. Little plants had anchored themselves in and were thriving. I've seen this replicated in "living pictures" and next to fountains and things, but to see it made by nature was really a sight to see.
Maybe this is just the plant nerd in me - but I just can't help but think that these plants are amazing! How did they get their little roots into those little crevices in that rock in the first place? How much soil can there really be anchoring them in? Where are they getting their nutrients? Oh how I love these little green creatures! Note to self: Make a beautiful rock/plant wall that looks exactly like this one when I buy my Barbie Dream Home!
There were creatures along the way too.
I'm not sure if you can make it out, but that is a daddy-long legged spiderish guy, but the cool thing about him was the markings on his back looked like a giant smiley face! A yellow one. Can you see it? He was a happy spider.
The caterpillar was not that out of the ordinary except that they were EVERYWHERE. Even in the bathroom stall well out of the forest. I think they are of the monarch species but these had bring yellow hairs all over there. You can almost see the ones on his tail end in the picture. Creepy crawlies! I'm glad I don't have any pictures of Habu snakes to post. I hate snakes.
Colton woke up just in time for the falls. He couldn't stop looking at them!
I believe this is the first waterfall I've ever seen! It was beautiful and loud and so fun to be there with my family!
Even if my husband is a COMPLETE dork!
Colton stayed awake the entire hike back just quietly taking in the serenity. Plus, he loves looking at trees - even if its just outside a car window. He's weird. He must take after his mom with his love of trees.
When we got back to entrance of the park we were famished. We unbuckled the Ergo and peeled Colton off of Dad. I say "peeled" because there was a "Colton" shaped sweat mark on Dad's back. Colton was glad to be rid of him, but thankful for the ride. We sat down and had our picnic lunch. Colton loves picnics.
I didn't short my husband a sandwich... I made him one too. He just couldn't pass up the Okinawa Soba they were serving in the café. Only in Japan will they allow you to carry your tray out into the field and eat your soup. They may just not have understood what he was asking I suppose as they watched him walk away with his tray. Either way. he returned everything in good condition so all was ok in the end. Colton loves Okinawa Soba too, so he had some too.
After lunch Colton helped hold up the sign.
He needed to stretch his legs after sitting in the car for 90 minutes and then being stuck in the Ergo for another 80 minutes. He was a real trooper, though. I would recommend this hike to anyone with children light enough to go in an baby carrier.
We were on our way when we decided we wanted to find a beach to sit around at for a little while before we started the drive home when we saw signs for Okuma. We followed the road blindly where we came across a sign that said "Okuma Military Facility." I said, "Sweet! Let's go in!" We pulled out our ID's and were welcomed to paradise!
I still can't believe I took this picture with MY camera! I was here and it was beautiful. Words can't describe the way this place made my whole mind relax. Suddenly, we were on a tropical vacation on an exotic island. Oh wait - we live here!
This beautiful wonderland has a variety of different cabins, campsites, luxury homes, bicycles, jet-skis, and on and on and on for rent! There were two young men riding a covered double bicycle drinking beers with American Flags on the side and as I stared longingly with my mind at peace I said, "I want to come back here." Jason said, "Me too!" As soon as we got home I messaged my girlfriends and we are as good as booked.
Good-bye for now Okuma. See you again the weekend after Christmas!
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