So the weekend finally came for our glorious trip to Okuma. Now granted we got reservations so soon because it was off season. February here is usually in the 50-60 degree range. We knew that the water sports side of it may be a little frigid but there was still a lot we could do. Plus, the relaxation would be nice.
We planned our meals for the weekend and did the grocery shopping and packed up the car. My friend and I and our boys were headed up first and the daddies were going to drive up together after work. It was a 2 hour drive, but the boys behaved and we only had to stop once for a potty break. We made it in no time.
First stop, lunch!
We got there a little before check in time and stopped at the restaurant that they have at the resort. The boys had grilled cheese and loved it. After that, we checked in to our Turtle's nest!
This picture is upside down and for the life of me I cannot figure out how to flip it. So... whatever. You get the idea!
Home sweet home!
Bathroom floor was raised on these wood slats. Weird, but pretty!
Shower. Amazing. Each of those holes shoots water out like a jet!
Bathroom wall tiles. Don't they look like worms in love?
Our bedroom - I forgot to take pics before we messed it up
The view from our front porch
We got into our cabin, unloaded the car, picked rooms and decided we were going to head to the playground. Always an easy pass time for the kiddies.
After this, we wanted to head back to the cabin to see if we could get the boys to nap. Colton's friend napped just fine. Colton, on the other hand, did not for one minute consider the idea. After a few minutes of screaming, I couldn't take it anymore. Colton hung out with the ladies while Levi snoozed. Dinner time rolled around the dads still were not here. We had to make something for the boys to eat and we had steaks and potatoes and stuff for us for dinner, but we weren't about to fire up the grill and cook dinner with 2 toddlers running around! I taught my friend a new trick and we microwaved some eggs for them. We did not have a stove, obviously. The boys were thrilled to have full tummies and we were glad they weren't so ornery anymore.

After putting the boys to bed we finally got ahold of our husbands. They were here! They just needed to run to the on base store to grab some beer and they would be at the cabin in no time. Wrong. Ben got pulled over for speeding. They were sitting there so long waiting for the guy to write the ticket that Jason just ditched his friend and walked to the cabin instead to get the grill going. When they finally arrived we decided to do the hamburgers tonight and the steaks tomorrow. It would be easier and faster this way. We devoured the hamburgers as it was around 9pm by this time and started our bonfire and I cracked open our bottle of wine. Let the relaxation begin!
That blackness that you see behind us, that's the ocean. Pretty amazing.
So, the relaxation came to a screeching halt when our friends' monitor kept going off and their son was not sleeping so soundly. It got late and the girls decided to call it a night.
When we woke up in the morning we learned that Levi had been up all night getting sick! We hoped it was maybe something he ate (like microwaved eggs) that had just upset his stomach and everything would be fine. We got dressed and headed down to the restaurant for breakfast. Just as we were sitting down Levi had taken his first bite of yogurt and it hadn't stayed down. Looked like our friends were going to have to take the drive home and spend the weekend helping their little man feel better.
Jason and I were on our own for the rest of the weekend. We grilled out the steaks and made the best of it, but it just wasn't the same without our besties. Jason wanted me to document how perfectly he cooked our steaks! Believe me, they were delicious!
After having some time to look around I noticed these weird things on the side of our cabin.
The steel wires went up and over the building where they were clasped down the same way on the other side. This little hooks were holding our roof on! I guess it gets windy up in here!
It was a cold morning in February but we weren't just going to spend the day cooped up in our cabin. We rented a golf cart and drove around a little bit to see the scenery.
Colton didn't really drive. We just let him think he could.
We packed a picnic lunch and found a deserted beach. It would have been fantastic had it not been so windy and cold. We just felt lucky that we could be enjoying it at all, seeing as how our friends had to go home.
Then we played a little mini golf after Colton's nap.
Colton was terrible at mini-golf! I guess he gets it from me.
We did a little shopping.
After we put Colton to sleep we hung out with the guys we had met at the fire the night before. They were fine to chat with, they were pilots or something, but they had nothing on our friends. We called it a night pretty early, woke up in the morning and swore we would find time to do it again!
Needless to say, the week after we got home, both Colton and Jason caught was our little friend had had. Colton had his first terrible sickness, but we made it through!